Experience The River!



Artist of the Week - Frank Berumen

This weeks Window Walk Gallery Highlighted Artist of the Week is Frank Berumen!

Frank Berumen spent most of his life living in Los Angeles County and moved to the Coachella Valley in 1986. He says it will always be home now. He rides his bicycle everywhere throughout the desert area. From Indio to Palm Springs and back is a nice day trip for him. Bike riding allows him to enjoy the beautiful desert scenery of mountains and palms.

Frank’s favorite past times are working out at the gym, reading and enjoying nature hiking in the desert mountains and most of all painting. Frank started attending several art groups in Indio and discovered that he has a passion to paint and create art. He had never payed attention to art nor felt like he could paint prior to the classes. But he now says that painting has improved his life, increased his confidence and reduces depression and stress.

While painting it allows Frank to focus on what he is thankful for. Frank shares that the desert terrain has gives him the inspiration to create his paintings. He feels especially focused when out at the Salton Sea area. Frank is thrilled to be part of the Window Walk Art Gallery with the goal of giving others hope through viewing his artwork. He has discovered that painting is now one of his favorite wellness tools.

For more of Frank’s amazing work, make sure to stop by The River and view The Window Walk Gallery!