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Artist of the week- Safehouse of the Desert

This week the Window Walk Gallery Artist of the Week spotlight is on the young artists at Safehouse of the Desert.

SafeHouse of the Desert is a 24-hour emergency shelter whose mission is to serve runaway, homeless, and at-risk youth ages 11 – 17 in the Coachella Valley. Services include three-weeks of emergency shelter, nutritious meals, counseling, attempts at family reunification, on-site education program, aftercare and a 24- hour toll-free crisis line.

Their Skills Lab is designed to teach youth specific skills using art, creativity and critical thinking as a therapeutic tool. As therapy and creativity collide, youth learn how to produce pieces of art that are not only inspiring, but marketable. This sense of self-sufficiency and confidence carries youth out in the world and empowers them far beyond the doors of SafeHouse.

One of the pieces on display titled “The Known and Unknown”, created by a thirteen year old boy, came to Safehouse to escape family abuse.
He was given a canvas with spray paint and acrylics and encouraged to use color to represent his emotions. He grabbed a spray can and painted the whole canvas Black to represent his home life. Next he put color to the bubbling emotions at home, of anger, shame, and bitterness. 
In the final layer he chose bright colors that reflected his new feelings of being safe, and of happiness and hope that came from finding a foster home that wanted him.

There are over 18 pieces of art created by children/teens at The Window Walk Gallery. You can see more of their amazing work at The River.

For more information about SafeHouse of the Desert, how to donate, or to volunteer, you can visit their website at https://safehouseofthedesert.com.