Experience The River!



Artist of the Week- Ikey Block

This week our Window Walk Gallery Highlighted Artist of the Week is Ikey Block!

"Ikey" is a retired advertising executive, becoming Senior Partner at the age of 40, handling accounts like Head&Shoulders, Mr. Clean, Vidal Sassoon, Stouffer's, One-A-Day vitamins.

She has resided in Palm springs since 1999, spending those years photographing classic scenes, the surrounding desert and any animal that will stand still long enough. Those photographs form the basis of her digital art.

 When asked why she wanted to participate in the Window Walk Gallery she said, “Creativity is a language everyone speaks so it is uniquely appropriate to use it to support mental health issues.”

Samples of her art can be seen in the Window Walk Gallery at the River , Ranacho Mirage. 

For more information on purchasing her artwork you can email ikeyblock@gmail.com