Experience The River!



Artist of the Week- Catherine Aguilar

This week our Window Walk Gallery Artist of the Week is Catherine Aguilar!

Catherine Aguilar is a photographer born and based in the Coachella Valley.

Her work focuses on the human condition with themes of introspection and identity.  Catherine’s subject matter consists of staged environments and still-lifes in order to convey a personal relationship with the evolving psyche. In general, her collective photographs form an investigative body of work as a larger self-portrait through visual storytelling. 

When asked why she wanted to participate in the Window Walk Gallery she said, ”I wanted to participate in a gallery that supports mental health because education and advocacy are crucial to nullify its stigma. Also, many loved ones in my life have a mental illness, such as depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder. I believe art is a facet that allows an experience to occur in which we want to understand and connect with others, along with ourselves. It gives a great opportunity to express feelings and thoughts that can be hard to verbalize but instead be shown.”

For more of Catherine’s work you can go in person to The River and view her art or check out her social media and website below!

Email: catbdigital@gmail.com
Website: fotosaguilar.com
Instagram: @catvignettes 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Catherine-Aguilar-413945595289077/