Experience The River!



Artist of the Week- Ahtziri Rojas

Our Window Walk Gallery Artist of Week is Ahtziri Rojas!

“ Hello, my name is Ahtziri Rojas. I am 15 years old and was born and raised in California. When I was a little girl I always loved to draw, read, and write. But my skill seemed to be more in drawing. My family noticed and encouraged me. I have an older sister and my brother is the middle child .Since I am the baby of the family my siblings like to teach me to draw sometimes. They lend a hand when I make a mistake on my painting and they help criticize it too.

 I took art classes in middle school and high school which I feel really upped my skill.  In middle school we started to paint a lot of canvases, which is something I had never done before. It gave me a new challenge and I got really excited about it. Ever since then, I have been painting many canvases and have sold 2 paintings for the first time at the River.

 My main inspiration for painting came from  my dad because he used to paint when he was younger. He painted acrylic paintings and they were really amazing and it was very encouraging.

 I still enjoy doing my other hobbies reading and writing.  For fun I have been writing a book but so far haven’t finished it.

 I am saving all the money I get from my paintings. The reason for this is because in the future I want to become a lawyer and for that I would need a good education. My current choice, if possible, is Stanford University which is my reason to save money. I am thrilled to come up with more paintings and am glad that the River has given me a chance to display my work. “

For more of Ahtziri’s work, make sure to check out The Window Walk Gallery at The River!